Dirk Lohmann
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied bei SCHRODER IMMOPLUS
Dirk Lohmann is the founder of Secquaero Advisors AG, which was founded in 2007.
He is currently a director at Secquaero Re Regent IC Ltd., Secquaero Re Rivaner IC Ltd., Secquaero Re Cloudy Bay IC Ltd., Secquaero Re Vinyard IcC Ltd., Secquaero Re (Guernsey) ICC Ltd., Lohmann Convergence Capital Advisory, Secquaero Re Solaris Ic Ltd., Secquaero Re Arvine Ic Ltd., Secquaero Re Concord Ic Ltd., Zweigelt Holdings Ltd., Ambrosia Re Ic Ltd., and Talanx AG, where he is an independent member of the supervisory board.
He is also a member of the supervisory board at Schroder ImmoPLUS, Secquaero Re Melnik Ic Ltd., and Secquaero Re Amaral Ic Ltd.
Mr. Lohmann's former positions include Chief Executive Officer at Converium Holding AG from 2001 to 2007, Director at Zurich Insurance Group AG from 1997 to 2001, and Director at Hannover Rück SE (Shanghai Branch) from 1980 to 1997.
He was also a research analyst at HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG (Broker).
Mr. Lohmann received an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the University of St. Gallen.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Dirk Lohmann
Aktive Positionen von Dirk Lohmann
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
TALANX AG | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 06.05.2013 |
SCHRODER IMMOPLUS | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Ambrosia Re Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Secquaero Re Amaral Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Secquaero Re Melnik Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Zweigelt Holdings Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Secquaero Re Concord Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Secquaero Re Arvine Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Secquaero Re Solaris Ic Ltd. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
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Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Dirk Lohmann
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
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Ausbildung von Dirk Lohmann
University of St. Gallen | Masters Business Admin |
University of Michigan | Undergraduate Degree |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 2 |
TALANX AG | Finance |
Private Unternehmen | 19 |
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG (Broker) | Finance |
Secquaero Advisors AG
![]() Secquaero Advisors AG Investment ManagersFinance Secquaero Advisors AG engages in the provision of consulting services to banks, insurance brokers, as well as investment, insurance, and reinsurance companies. It offers advisory services in the development and placement of investment products with focus on securitization of insurance risks. In addition, the firm manages investments for third parties. The company was founded by Dirk Lohmann and Hans Peter Boller on February 9, 2007 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Finance |
Secquaero Re Regent IC Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Rivaner IC Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Cloudy Bay IC Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Vinyard IcC Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re (Guernsey) ICC Ltd. | |
Lohmann Convergence Capital Advisory | |
Converium Holding AG | Finance |
Hannover Rück SE (Shanghai Branch) | |
Secquaero Re Solaris Ic Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Arvine Ic Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Concord Ic Ltd. | |
Zweigelt Holdings Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Melnik Ic Ltd. | |
Secquaero Re Amaral Ic Ltd. | |
Schroder ImmoPLUS
![]() Schroder ImmoPLUS Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Schroder ImmoPLUS is a closed-end investment fund. The company was founded in September 1997 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Miscellaneous |
Ambrosia Re Ic Ltd. | |
Hannover Rückversicherung AG
![]() Hannover Rückversicherung AG Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Hannover Rückversicherung AG is a private company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Brazilian company provides reinsurance services. | Finance |