Unternehmen (1)

Logo LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A.

LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imoveis SA (LPS Brasil) ist ein in Brasilien ansässiges Unternehmen, das Dienstleistungen im Immobilienbereich anbietet. Zu den Haupttätigkeiten des Unternehmens gehören Vermittlungsdienste beim Kauf und Verkauf von Immobilien, ...


Foto Eduardo Alcaro
Eduardo Alcaro

Eduardo Alcaro hat die Position des Chief Financial Officer bei Universo Online SA und Co-Chief Financial Officer & Director bei PagSeguro Digital Ltd. inne. In der Vergangenheit bekleidete Herr Alcaro die Position des Vice President-Finance der Grupo Big S.A., Director-Investors Relations bei Walmart, Inc. und Auditor bei PricewaterhouseCoopers (Brasilien). Herr Alcaro erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Getulio Vargas Foundation.

Foto Kevin Alcaro
Kevin Alcaro

Kevin Alcaro worked as a Senior Vice President-Accounting at The John Buck Co. LLC.

Foto Eduardo Maayan
Eduardo Maayan

Eduardo Maayan is President of Saifun Semiconductors Ltd.
and Lecturer at Technion University.
He was appointed as Vice President of Research and Development for Saifun Semiconductors in July, 2002 and Executive Vice President of Research and Development in April, 2007.
Mr. Maayan was Manager of Circuit Design for Saifun Semiconductors 1998 to 2002.
Previously, he worked at Intel Corp.
Mr. Maayan received a BSc degree and an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology at Technion University.

Foto Eduardo Garza-Robles
Eduardo Garza-Robles

Eduardo Garza-Robles currently works as a Director at Falcon International Bank.

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