Slovenská sporiteľňa confirmed its position as one of the most stable banks in the euro area. This is demonstrated by the results of the Comprehensive Assessment on 130 significant banks in the euro area conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) published today at noon. Slovenská sporiteľňa maintains the above-average capital adequacy even after the Asset Quality Review and both Stress Tests.

As expected, Slovenská sporiteľňa passed the first stage of the ECB assessment - Asset Quality Review (AQR). The AQR adjusted CET1 (Core Tier I)ratio reached 19.49% and thus exceeded the required threshold of 8% by a large margin.

The second stage of the assessment comprised Stresstests whichare supposed to estimate capital shortfall for various economy scenarios. The adjusted CET1 ratio after baseline scenario over a 3-year period reached 19.91% which also considerably exceeds the threshold required by ECB (8% for baseline scenario).  In case of the adverse scenario, Slovenská sporiteľňa reached 19.51% which also comfortably exceeds the regulatory requirement (5.5% for adverse scenario) As a result; the bank will not need any additional capital in accordance with ECB rules.

"The results achieved by Slovenská sporiteľňa are excellent. Based on the outcome of the ECB capital adequacy tests, we maintain our position as one of the most stable banks in the euro area. We conduct business in a transparent and prudent manner and the Stress Tests showed that even in turbulent times, our capital adequacy is more than sufficient. The results of Slovenská sporiteľňa are also good news for the Slovak economy because as the flagship of the financial sector, we have enough capital and liquidity for financing of households, companies and the state," Jozef Síkela, CEO of Slovenská sporiteľna commented on the results.

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