< table style="width: 667px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">< colgroup>< col width="219" />< col width="448" />< /colgroup>< tbody>< tr>< td class="xl68" width="219" height="21">< strong> Donnerstag 12. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67" width="448">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Crystal Amber Fund Ltd < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung mit Vorschlag zur Entlassung von sechs Direktoren und Ernennung von zwei neuen Direktoren < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl70" height="21"> JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Vollversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">Freitag, 13. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> eEnergy Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Hauptversammlung zur Annahme des Jahresabschlusses 2022 < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Montag, 16. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> 4D Pharma PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> GM re update on administration and suspension of trading < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Dienstag 17. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Beowulf Mining PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> GM re Kapitalerhöhung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Egdon Resources PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Ironveld PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Orcadian Energy PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Troy Income & Growth Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Mittwoch 18. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Diploma PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> GCM Resources PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> John Lewis of Hungerford PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Tlou Energy Ltd < /td>< td class="xl66"> Hauptversammlung zur Aktienplatzierung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Topps Tiles PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Hauptversammlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Tracsis PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">   < /td>< td class="xl67">   < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl69" colspan="2" height="21"> Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.< /td>< /tr>< /tbody>< /table>