On 28 February 2013 Hugo Stam (1953) will step down as CEO of Cefetra BV. His position will be taken over by Daan Vriens (1971), currently COO of Cefetra BV. Remco van Gelderen completes the management board continuing his role as CFO.

The supervisory board also decided, Hugo Stam will stay employed with Cefetra until 31 January 2014. He will take on the role of advisor to the supervisory board; a non-operative position with the focus on strategy, risk management and cooperation issues between BayWa AG and Cefetra. It is the intention that Hugo Stam will join the supervisory board of Cefetra B.V. on 1 February 2014.

 "With the decision regarding the change in the management board we ensure high continuity to the staff, partners and suppliers. We thank Hugo Stam for building up Cefetra with full commitment to a very successful international trading organization in the last years and wish Daan Vriens all the best in his new role as CEO of Cefetra ",said Klaus Josef Lutz, chairman of the supervisory board and CEO of BayWa AG. Since 1 January 2013 the international trading and services company BayWa AG holds 100% of the internationally operating grain trader Cefetra B.V.

Starting on 3 January 2013 the supervisory board of Cefetra B.V. consists of the following members:

-          Klaus Josef Lutz   (Chief Executive Officer BayWa AG)   chairman

-          Andreas Helber   (Chief Financial Officer BayWa AG)

-          Dr. Josef Krapf   (Member of Board BayWa)

-          Alexander Adelmund   (independent)

-          Ito Van Lanschot   (independent

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