Serge Weinberg
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied bei KERING
Herr Serge Weinberg ist Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Sanofi, CEO und Mitbegründer von Weinberg Capital Partners SAS, Manager bei Alret, Manager bei Maremma und Mitglied des Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Er ist Mitglied des Board of Directors bei AFEPT und Piasa SA. Mr. Weinberg war zuvor als Aufsichtsratsmitglied bei Alfina SAS, als stellvertretender Vorsitzender bei Alliance Automotive Group SAS, als Vorsitzender bei Accor SA, als Aufsichtsratsmitglied bei Rothschild & Cie SCS, als unabhängiger Direktor bei Schneider Electric SA, als Aufsichtsratsmitglied bei Gucci Group NV, ein Chairman & Chief Executive Officer von Rexel SA, ein President von Compagnie Franaise de L'Afrique Occidentale SA, ein President-CFAO von Pinault SARL, ein Chief Executive Officer & Director von Pallas Finance, ein Chairman & Chief Executive Officer von Havas Tourisme, ein Deputy General Manager-Finance von France 3 SA, ein Manager von Adoval, ein Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats von Amplitude Group SAS, ein Vorsitzender von CORUM Vermögensverwaltung AG, ein Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats von Financire BFSA, ein Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats von Financire Climater SAS, ein Vorsitzender von Financire Piasa SAS, ein Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats von Financire Tess SAS, ein stellvertretender Vorsitzender bei Financires SASA, ein Gründer bei Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle pinire, ein Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Kering SA, ein Vorsitzender bei Maremma SASU, ein Vorsitzender bei Montres Corum SARL, ein Vorsitzender bei Piasa Holding SAS und ein Vorsitzender-Aufsichtsrat bei Tess SAS. Außerdem war er im Aufsichtsrat von Road Holding, Team Partners Group SA, Groupe RASEC SAS, Alliance Industrie SA, Pharma Omnium International SAS, FNAC SA, Madrigall SA, Rothschild Concordia SAS, SASA Industrie SAS und VL Holding (Frankreich). Er erhielt seinen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Ecole Nationale d'Administration und einen Graduiertenabschluss am Institut d'tudes Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Serge Weinberg
Französische Aktien bleiben im Minus, da das Vertrauen der Haushalte sinkt | 26.05.23 | MT |
MORNING BRIEFING - Deutschland/Europa -2- | 26.05.23 | DJ |
Sanofi ernennt neuen Vorsitzenden | 26.05.23 | MT |
Sanofi macht Frederic Oudea zum Verwaltungsratschef | 25.05.23 | DJ |
Sanofi kündigt Änderungen im Vorstand an | 25.05.23 | CI |
Aktive Positionen von Serge Weinberg
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
KERING | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 28.04.2022 |
Weinberg Capital Partners SAS
![]() Weinberg Capital Partners SAS Investment ManagersFinance Weinberg Capital Partners SAS (WCP) is a private equity firm founded in 2005 by Serge Weinberg and Philippe Klocanas. The firm is headquartered in Paris, France. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | - |
AFEPT | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
![]() Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. provides and disseminates ideas on foreign policies to individuals, corporate members, journalists and policy makers. It operates a forum for government officials, students and other interested parties to study and discuss world issues and impact on American foreign policies. The company publishes Foreign Affairs, a magazine that comes out six times a year, along with books and studies by its own scholars. Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 and is headquartered in New York City, NY. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
![]() Maremma Financial ConglomeratesFinance Maremma is an investment holding Belgian company founded in 2007. The private company is based in Ieper, Belgium. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 20.01.2010 |
Piasa SA
![]() Piasa SA Specialty StoresRetail Trade Piasa SA provides auction services. It sells antiquities, Asian and contemporary arts, Islamic arts, silver and jewelry, ceramics, prints, arms and militaria, old master drawings and paintings, letters, manuscripts et autographs, books, furniture, fashion and old toys, photography products, and wine. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 25.04.2011 |
Association Française des Entreprises Privées | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Serge Weinberg
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
![]() C.P.P.J. SA Real Estate Investment TrustsFinance C.P.P.J. SA engages in the management of real estate properties. The company was founded on July 24, 2015 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 01.12.2023 |
Alret | Vorsitzender | 25.01.2012 |
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Ausbildung von Serge Weinberg
Institut d'Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence | Graduate Degree |
Ecole Nationale d'Administration | Undergraduate Degree |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 5 |
SANOFI | Health Technology |
ACCOR | Consumer Services |
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE | Producer Manufacturing |
REXEL | Distribution Services |
KERING | Consumer Non-Durables |
Private Unternehmen | 41 |
Weinberg Capital Partners SAS
![]() Weinberg Capital Partners SAS Investment ManagersFinance Weinberg Capital Partners SAS (WCP) is a private equity firm founded in 2005 by Serge Weinberg and Philippe Klocanas. The firm is headquartered in Paris, France. | Finance |
Piasa Holding SAS
![]() Piasa Holding SAS Financial ConglomeratesFinance Piasa Holding SAS is an investment holding private company based in Paris, France. | Finance |
Financières SASA | |
![]() FNAC SA Specialty StoresRetail Trade FNAC SA retails books, consumer electronics, and entertainment equipment. The company also runs the French mail-order operation fnac.com and digital download platform Fnac music. The firm operates stores in Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Taiwan. FNAC was founded by André Essel and Max Théret in 1954 and is headquartered in Ivry sur Seine, France. | Retail Trade |
Alliance Automotive Group SASU
![]() Alliance Automotive Group SASU Wholesale DistributorsDistribution Services Alliance Automotive Group SAS engages in the distribution of light and commercial vehicle parts. It serves repairers, auto centers, fast fitters, and body shops. The company was founded on September 12, 2006 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Distribution Services |
SASA Industrie SAS
![]() SASA Industrie SAS Industrial MachineryProducer Manufacturing SASA Industrie SAS designs, manufactures, and sells cooking equipment for bakeries and the food industry. The company was founded on November 15, 1996 and is headquartered in Le Cateau-Cambresis, France. | Producer Manufacturing |
![]() Maremma Financial ConglomeratesFinance Maremma is an investment holding Belgian company founded in 2007. The private company is based in Ieper, Belgium. | Finance |
Rothschild Concordia SAS
![]() Rothschild Concordia SAS Investment ManagersFinance Rothschild Concordia SAS operates as an investment management firm. The company is headquartered in Paris, France. | Finance |
Piasa SA
![]() Piasa SA Specialty StoresRetail Trade Piasa SA provides auction services. It sells antiquities, Asian and contemporary arts, Islamic arts, silver and jewelry, ceramics, prints, arms and militaria, old master drawings and paintings, letters, manuscripts et autographs, books, furniture, fashion and old toys, photography products, and wine. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Retail Trade |
Team Partners Group SA
![]() Team Partners Group SA Information Technology ServicesTechnology Services Team Partners Group SA is an information technology solutions provider that offers services related to management of customer relations, technology consultation and information technology. It offers assistance for complete or partial outsourcing of business processes related to contact centers, and administration and implementation of databases. It provides consultancy services for industrial design, research and development outsourcing in the field of mechanics and computing functions. It also offers engineering services and designs infrastructure management computer systems and networks. The company was founded by Bernard Leng on April 10, 1990 and is headquartered in Levallois-Perret, France. | Technology Services |
Financière Piasa SAS
![]() Financière Piasa SAS Financial ConglomeratesFinance Financière Piasa SAS is an investment holding private company based in Paris, France. The French company functions as an investment holding company. | Finance |
Rothschild & Cie SCS
![]() Rothschild & Cie SCS Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of Rothschild & Co. SCA, Rothschild & Cie SCS is a holding company. The company is based in Paris, France. The company was founded in 1988. Alexandre de Rothschild has been the CEO of the company since 2013. | Finance |
Fideas Conseil SAS
![]() Fideas Conseil SAS Investment ManagersFinance Fideas Conseil SAS provides financial, strategic, and management advice services. The French company was founded by Charles-Henri Filippi. | Finance |
Alret | |
VL Holding (France)
![]() VL Holding (France) Financial ConglomeratesFinance VL Holding (France) functions as an investment holding French company. The private company is based in Courbevoie, France. | Finance |
Pharma Omnium International SAS
![]() Pharma Omnium International SAS Pharmaceuticals: MajorHealth Technology Pharma Omnium International SAS manufactures and supplies pharmaceutical products. It offers drugs for human and veterinary use in nutraceutical, dermatological, and dermo-esthetic. The company was founded by Frédéric Champavere and Philip Pasdelou on July 1, 2005 and is headquartered in Romainville, France. | Health Technology |
Kering Holland NV
![]() Kering Holland NV Apparel/FootwearConsumer Non-Durables Kering Holland NV designs and manufactures apparels. The company is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. | Consumer Non-Durables |
Havas Tourisme
![]() Havas Tourisme Commercial Printing/FormsCommercial Services Part of Vivendi SE, Havas Tourisme is a French company that provides advertising, broadcasting, and publishing services. | Commercial Services |
Montres Corum SARL
![]() Montres Corum SARL Other Consumer SpecialtiesConsumer Durables Montres CORUM Sàrl manufactures, retails and distributes watches. The firm provides warranty and after-sales services. The company was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. | Consumer Durables |
![]() RASEC SAS Office Equipment/SuppliesProducer Manufacturing RASEC SAS designs, manufactures, installs, and maintains fixture and fittings for workplace applications. Its products include partitions, room dividers, cabins, reception desks, display stands, and shelves and racks. The company was founded in 1963 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Producer Manufacturing |
Pallas Finance | Finance |
Financière BFSA
![]() Financière BFSA Financial ConglomeratesFinance Financière BFSA is a private company based in Cannes, France. The French company provides financial services. | Finance |
Alliance Automotive France SA
![]() Alliance Automotive France SA Wholesale DistributorsDistribution Services Alliance Automotive France SA operates as a holding company with interests in the automotive parts distribution industry. It also manages a network of owned or affiliated car and commercial vehicle part distributors, and serves as a link between these distributors and suppliers. The company was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Levallois-Perret, France. | Distribution Services |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
![]() Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. provides and disseminates ideas on foreign policies to individuals, corporate members, journalists and policy makers. It operates a forum for government officials, students and other interested parties to study and discuss world issues and impact on American foreign policies. The company publishes Foreign Affairs, a magazine that comes out six times a year, along with books and studies by its own scholars. Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 and is headquartered in New York City, NY. | Miscellaneous |
Madrigall SA
![]() Madrigall SA Commercial Printing/FormsCommercial Services Madrigall SA operates as a holding company with interest in book publishing sector. The company was founded on December 01, 1992 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Commercial Services |
Maremma SASU
![]() Maremma SASU Real Estate DevelopmentFinance Maremma SASU is a French company that provides land leasing and real estate services. The private company is based in Paris, France. The company was founded in 2013. | Finance |
Amplitude Group SAS
![]() Amplitude Group SAS Financial ConglomeratesFinance Amplitude Group SAS manufactures medical equipment. The company is headquartered in Valence, France. | Finance |
CORUM Vermögensverwaltung AG
![]() CORUM Vermögensverwaltung AG Investment ManagersFinance CORUM Vermögensverwaltung AG is a private company based in Zurich, Switzerland. and has subsidiaries in Germany. The Swiss company's focus is on foresight and achieving long-term goals. | Finance |
Pinault SCI
![]() Pinault SCI Forest ProductsNon-Energy Minerals Pinault SA manufactures and distributes wood and related products. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Ploulec H, France. | Non-Energy Minerals |
Financière Tess SAS | |
Adoval | |
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière
![]() Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière is based in Paris, France. The Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière (ICM) is a research institute focused on the study of the brain and spinal cord. The French company was founded by Maurice Lévy, Serge Weinberg. | Commercial Services |
France 3 SA
![]() France 3 SA BroadcastingConsumer Services France 3 SA owns & operates television broadcasting station. The company was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Consumer Services |
Compagnie Française de L'Afrique Occidentale SA | Retail Trade |
Financière Climater SAS
![]() Financière Climater SAS Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Financière Climater SAS designs, builds, maintains, and operates climate engineering installations in the fields of industry, health, housing, shops, offices, and public equipment. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Toulouse, France. | Industrial Services |
Tess SAS
![]() Tess SAS RestaurantsConsumer Services Tess SAS operates bars and alcoholic beverage centers. The private company is based in Audincourt, France. | Consumer Services |
![]() C.P.P.J. SA Real Estate Investment TrustsFinance C.P.P.J. SA engages in the management of real estate properties. The company was founded on July 24, 2015 and is headquartered in Paris, France. | Finance |
Financière Alizes SAS
![]() Financière Alizes SAS MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Financière Alizes SAS is a fund management company based in Brugge, France. Financière Alizes SAS provides fund management services. The French company was founded in 2019 and is led by CEO Eric Abad. | Miscellaneous |
Road Holding | |
Association Française des Entreprises Privées | Commercial Services |