
Mr. Mikihisa Hirai is Chairman at IDERA Capital Management Ltd.
Mr. Hirai joined Atlas Partners Japan Ltd.
as Representative Director and President in November 2004.
He has grown the firm from virtually a start-up with JPY 3 billion in AUM to a firm with approximately JPY 150 billion in AUM by 2011.
He spent a larger part of his 20-year career at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ in real estate finance and investment management, including overseas assignments.
At PwC Advisory in Japan he was engaged in distressed asset transaction and business recovery services.
Thereafter, he assumed various managerial positions at GMAC Commercial Mortgage including positions of CEO, Asian Operations and Executive Managing Director.
From 1986 to 1992 he was involved in US real estate, devoting most of his efforts to syndicated transactions, both in equity and debt, and workouts.
From 1999 to 2000, he, as representative of GMAC Commercial Mortgage ("GMACCM") in Japan, organized efforts to acquire business of NAM (Nippon Asset Management, formerly Japan Leasing), including real estate assets exceeding JPY 50 billion, out of its corporate reorganization procedure.
The NAM corporate reorganization case made it the largest of such kind in terms of size of debt at that time in Japanese history.
As CEO, Asian Operations, he integrated NAM's business into GMACCM's operations, enabling new GMACCM to carry out full-fledged real estate finance business ranging from non-recourse lending, loan acquisition, servicing, to real estate acquisition, asset and property management.
Mr. Hirai is a graduate of University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics, and an MBA Graduate of the Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Mikihisa Hirai

Vorsitzender 30.06.2017
Präsident 30.04.2012
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