Yoshimitsu Goto
Finanzdirektor/CFO bei SOFTBANK GROUP CORP.
Gegenwärtig ist Yoshimitsu Goto Chief Financial Officer & Senior Managing Director bei SoftBank Group Corp. und President & Representative Director bei Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. (eine Tochtergesellschaft der SoftBank Group Corp.). Herr Goto ist außerdem Mitglied des Vorstands der Fortress Investment Group LLC. Herr Goto hatte zuvor die Position des Wirtschaftsprüfers bei Wireless City Planning, Inc. inne, war Principal bei Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. und Wirtschaftsprüfer bei WILLCOM, Inc. sowie Wirtschaftsprüfer bei SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Yoshimitsu Goto
Aktive Positionen von Yoshimitsu Goto
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
SOFTBANK GROUP CORP. | Finanzdirektor/CFO | 01.04.2018 |
FORTRESS INVESTMENT GROUP LLC | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp.
Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. Movies/EntertainmentConsumer Services Part of SoftBank Group Corp., Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. is a professional baseball team based in Fukuoka, Japan. The Japanese company's official website provides information about the team's games, players, tickets, events, and fan clubs. Yoshimitsu Goto has been the CEO of the company since 2013. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | 01.10.2013 |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Yoshimitsu Goto
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
WILLCOM, Inc. Specialty TelecommunicationsCommunications WILLCOM, Inc. provides wireless data and voice services to corporate subscribers. It offers headsets and data communication cards. The company was founded in July 1994 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan | Comptroller/Controller/Auditor | 03.06.2014 |
SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp.
SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp. engages in the business of Initial public offering (IPO) consulting, manages venture capital funds, providing online financial services and others. The company was founded on March 24, 1999 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Comptroller/Controller/Auditor | - |
Wireless City Planning, Inc.
Wireless City Planning, Inc. Specialty TelecommunicationsCommunications Wireless City Planning, Inc. is a holding company that provides wireless broadband and voice services to corporate subscribers. It offers information technology and telecommunication services including Internet service connection, wireless telecommunication services, and related software development. The firm’s activities also include development, maintenance, and rental of electrical and communication equipment. The company was founded on June 11, 2010 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Comptroller/Controller/Auditor | - |
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Regional BanksFinance Mizuho Trust & Banking Co. Ltd. engages in the trust banking services. Its services include custody and administration, pension trust business, and asset management business. The company was founded on March 12, 2003 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
SOFTBANK CORP. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 2 |
SOFTBANK CORP. | Communications |
SOFTBANK GROUP CORP. | Communications |
Private Unternehmen | 6 |
Wireless City Planning, Inc.
Wireless City Planning, Inc. Specialty TelecommunicationsCommunications Wireless City Planning, Inc. is a holding company that provides wireless broadband and voice services to corporate subscribers. It offers information technology and telecommunication services including Internet service connection, wireless telecommunication services, and related software development. The firm’s activities also include development, maintenance, and rental of electrical and communication equipment. The company was founded on June 11, 2010 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Communications |
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Regional BanksFinance Mizuho Trust & Banking Co. Ltd. engages in the trust banking services. Its services include custody and administration, pension trust business, and asset management business. The company was founded on March 12, 2003 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Finance |
SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp.
SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services SoftBank Telecom Sales Corp. engages in the business of Initial public offering (IPO) consulting, manages venture capital funds, providing online financial services and others. The company was founded on March 24, 1999 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Commercial Services |
WILLCOM, Inc. Specialty TelecommunicationsCommunications WILLCOM, Inc. provides wireless data and voice services to corporate subscribers. It offers headsets and data communication cards. The company was founded in July 1994 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan | Communications |
Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp.
Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. Movies/EntertainmentConsumer Services Part of SoftBank Group Corp., Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. is a professional baseball team based in Fukuoka, Japan. The Japanese company's official website provides information about the team's games, players, tickets, events, and fan clubs. Yoshimitsu Goto has been the CEO of the company since 2013. | Consumer Services |
Fortress Investment Group LLC
Fortress Investment Group LLC Investment ManagersFinance Fortress Investment Group LLC provides investment management services. It specializes in asset-based investment, operations management, mergers and acquisitions, and capital markets. The company was founded by Wesley Robert Edens, Robert I. Kauffman, and Randal Alan Nardone in 1998 and is headquartered in New York, NY. | Finance |