Patrick Nettles
Vermögen: 10 Mio $ am 31.08.2024
Der Gründer der Ciena Corp., Patrick H. Nettles, ist derzeit Executive Chairman dieses Unternehmens. Er ist außerdem im Vorstand der Progressive Corp. und des California Institute of Technology. In der Vergangenheit war Dr. Nettles als unabhängiger Non-Executive Chairman für Axcelis Technologies, Inc. tätig, als President & Chief Executive Officer für Protocol Engines, Inc. sowie als Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President von Blyth Holdings, Inc. und als Chief Financial Officer von Optilink Corp. Patrick H. Nettles erhielt einen Doktortitel vom California Institute of Technology und einen Bachelor-Abschluss vom Georgia Institute of Technology.
Bekannte Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Unternehmen | Datum | Anzahl der Aktien | Bewertung | Datum der Bewertung |
0,12% | 30.03.2024 | 166 896 ( 0,12% ) | 10 Mio $ | 31.08.2024 |
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Patrick Nettles
Aktive Positionen von Patrick Nettles
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
CIENA CORPORATION | Gründer | 01.01.1992 |
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology Other Consumer ServicesConsumer Services California Institute of Technology provides education focusing on science, engineering, academia, business, and public service. The company was founded in 1891 and it is headquartered in Pasadena, CA. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | - |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Patrick Nettles
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
PROGRESSIVE CORPORATION | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 07.05.2021 |
AXCELIS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Vorsitzender | 16.05.2018 |
Blyth Holdings, Inc. | Geschäftsführer | 01.01.1994 |
Protocol Engines, Inc. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | 01.01.1992 |
Optilink Corp. | Finanzdirektor/CFO | 01.01.1990 |
Ausbildung von Patrick Nettles
California Institute of Technology | Doctorate Degree |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Undergraduate Degree |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 3 |
CIENA CORPORATION | Electronic Technology |
AXCELIS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Producer Manufacturing |
Private Unternehmen | 8 |
Blyth Holdings, Inc. | Technology Services |
Protocol Engines, Inc. | |
Optilink Corp. | |
Optiwind Corp.
Optiwind Corp. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Optiwind Corp. develops wind acceleration turbines. The firm's products include Optiwind 150 and Optiwind 300. The company was founded by Russel H. Marvin in 2007 and is headquartered in Torrington, CT. | Utilities |
Metaswitch Networks Service Broker Technologies Corp.
Metaswitch Networks Service Broker Technologies Corp. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Metaswitch Networks Service Broker Technologies Corp. provides telecommunications application connectivity solutions. It offers application session controller software, a network element that sits between the application cloud and the converging network/control layer to provide and manage connectivity to the evolving network for multiple applications. The firm also provides support programs, professional and training services. The company was founded by Craig W. Miller, Randal E. Waters and Mark A. Crutcher in 2002 and is headquartered in Richardson, TX. | Technology Services |
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc.
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. provides educational services. It promotes the cause of higher education in the State of Georgia, receives and manages financial donations received by the foundation for support and enhancement of the Georgia Institute of Technology and assists the Georgia Institute of Technology in its role as a leading educational and research institution. The company was in 1932 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. | Miscellaneous |
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Silicon Graphics, Inc. Computer Processing HardwareElectronic Technology Silicon Graphics, Inc., is a leader in high-performance computing, visualization and storage. SGI's vision is to provide technology that enables the most significant scientific and creative breakthroughs of the 21st century. Whether it's sharing images to aid in brain surgery, finding oil more efficiently, studying global climate, providing technologies for homeland security and defense or enabling the transition from analog to digital broadcasting, SGI is dedicated to addressing the next class of challenges for scientific, engineering and creative users | Electronic Technology |
Carrius Technologies, Inc.
Carrius Technologies, Inc. Specialty TelecommunicationsCommunications Carrius Technologies, Inc. provides carrier-grade intelligent VoIP switching and gateway solutions. It provides the telecom industry with switching platforms that enable enhanced voice and data services to be deployed over traditional circuit-based networks as well as next generation packet-based networks. Carrius' solutions allow service providers to migrate their existing services to a converged network capable of supporting enhanced Voice over IP (VoIP) as well as new voice and data multimedia services. The company is located in Richardson, TX. | Communications |