Michael P. Bohrer
Corporate Officer/Principal bei Chromis Technologies, Inc.
Michael P.
Bohrer is currently the Vice President-Engineering at Chromis Technologies, Inc. Prior to this, he worked as a Technical Manager at Bell Laboratories, Inc. and OFS Laboratories LLC.
He holds a doctorate degree from Stanford University, a graduate degree from Stanford University, and an undergraduate degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Michael P. Bohrer
Aktive Positionen von Michael P. Bohrer
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
Chromis Technologies, Inc.
Chromis Technologies, Inc. Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Chromis Fiberoptics, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fibers. The firm develops technology of plastic optical fiber and offers custom fiber design and manufacturing services. Its product line includes bare fibers; optical connectors; finishing tools; media converters; patch cords; and simplex/duplex premises cables, as well as custom cables comprising flat cables, distribution cables, hybrid cables, ribbon cables, and other specialty cables. The firm's products are used as solution for: data center interconnects; consumer electronics; enterprise networking; industrial automation; mobile platforms; and medical photonics. The company was founded by Whitney R. White and Miri Park in June 2004 and is headquartered in Warren, NJ. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 14.04.2009 |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Michael P. Bohrer
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
Bell Laboratories, Inc.
Bell Laboratories, Inc. Chemicals: AgriculturalProcess Industries Bell Laboratories, Inc. manufactures rodent control products. It has developed products such as rodenticides, tamper-resistant bait stations, non-poisonous glue boards, and mechanical mousetraps to control rats. The company was founded by Malcolm Stack in 1974 and is headquartered in Madison, WI. | Technik-/Wissenschafts-/F&E-Leiter | - |
OFS Laboratories LLC | Technik-/Wissenschafts-/F&E-Leiter | - |
Ausbildung von Michael P. Bohrer
Stanford University | Doctorate Degree |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Undergraduate Degree |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Private Unternehmen | 3 |
Chromis Technologies, Inc.
Chromis Technologies, Inc. Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Chromis Fiberoptics, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fibers. The firm develops technology of plastic optical fiber and offers custom fiber design and manufacturing services. Its product line includes bare fibers; optical connectors; finishing tools; media converters; patch cords; and simplex/duplex premises cables, as well as custom cables comprising flat cables, distribution cables, hybrid cables, ribbon cables, and other specialty cables. The firm's products are used as solution for: data center interconnects; consumer electronics; enterprise networking; industrial automation; mobile platforms; and medical photonics. The company was founded by Whitney R. White and Miri Park in June 2004 and is headquartered in Warren, NJ. | Producer Manufacturing |
OFS Laboratories LLC | |
Bell Laboratories, Inc.
Bell Laboratories, Inc. Chemicals: AgriculturalProcess Industries Bell Laboratories, Inc. manufactures rodent control products. It has developed products such as rodenticides, tamper-resistant bait stations, non-poisonous glue boards, and mechanical mousetraps to control rats. The company was founded by Malcolm Stack in 1974 and is headquartered in Madison, WI. | Process Industries |