Lisa Åbom
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied bei SVOLDER AB
Lisa Åbom is currently the Chief Executive Officer at NIRA Dynamics AB, Independent Director at Svolder AB, Director at Liu Holding AB, and Director at Linköping Science Park AB.
She holds an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics and a doctorate from the University of Linköping.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Lisa Åbom
Aktive Positionen von Lisa Åbom
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
SVOLDER AB | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 01.01.2022 |
NIRA Dynamics AB
NIRA Dynamics AB Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services NIRA Dynamics AB develops safety-enhancing software solutions for the vehicle industry. It provides indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems. The firm also gathers real-time road information from regular passenger vehicles; and focuses on research and development of signal processing and control systems for the vehicle industry. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Linkoping, Sweden. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | 01.11.2020 |
Linköping Science Park AB
Linköping Science Park AB Personnel ServicesCommercial Services Linköping Science Park AB is based in Linköping, Sweden. It is located next to Linköping University. Linköping Science Park AB is a Swedish company that includes several sites, with Mjärdevi being the largest. The company was founded in 1984. Lena Miranda has been the CEO of the company since 2014. | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 01.05.2019 |
Liu Holding AB | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 01.05.2022 |
Ausbildung von Lisa Åbom
University of Linköping | Doctorate Degree |
Stockholm School of Economics | Masters Business Admin |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 1 |
SVOLDER AB | Finance |
Private Unternehmen | 3 |
NIRA Dynamics AB
NIRA Dynamics AB Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services NIRA Dynamics AB develops safety-enhancing software solutions for the vehicle industry. It provides indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems. The firm also gathers real-time road information from regular passenger vehicles; and focuses on research and development of signal processing and control systems for the vehicle industry. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Linkoping, Sweden. | Technology Services |
Linköping Science Park AB
Linköping Science Park AB Personnel ServicesCommercial Services Linköping Science Park AB is based in Linköping, Sweden. It is located next to Linköping University. Linköping Science Park AB is a Swedish company that includes several sites, with Mjärdevi being the largest. The company was founded in 1984. Lena Miranda has been the CEO of the company since 2014. | Commercial Services |
Liu Holding AB |