Audrey Mari Kuwabara

Audrey Mari Kuwabara

Keine laufenden Positionen mehr

Consumer Services


Ms. Audrey M.
Kuwabara is a Chief Risk Officer at Arque Capital Ltd.
She is also General Counsel of Investment Committee.
Ms. Kuwabara is an attorney and is in charge of all legal and risk management responsibilities of the firm.
Ms. Kuwabara is both principal of the firm and a FINRA licensed principal.
Ms. Kuwabara is functionally responsible for US trading platform maintenance and development.
Ms. Kuwabara heads Arque Capital’s Investment Banking Division’s product due diligence team and is a member of the Private Client Services Group’s Investment Committee.
Ms. Kuwabara also participates within the Investment Banking Division to provide corporate advisory and managing broker dealer services support.
Ms. Kuwabara graduated UCLA with a double Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science and holds a Juris Doctor from Loyola Law School.

Ausbildung von Audrey Mari Kuwabara

Loyola Law School Graduate Degree
University of California, Los Angeles Undergraduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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100 +

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