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Deutsche Boerse AG

- 93,14 % Anleihe Bracken Midco1 Plc Anleihe

Nachrichten (202)

VF Corp, Eigentümer von North Face, verfehlt die Umsatzschätzungen für das vierte Quartal und verzeichnet einen Verlust, da die Nachfrage nachlässt RE
Logitech-Finanzchef geht nach einem Jahr bereits wieder AW
North Face-Hersteller VF will den Vorstand mit Hilfe von Engaged Capital umstrukturieren RE
VF Corporation informiert die Aktionäre CI
Sonos, Inc. ernennt Bracken Darrell zum Mitglied des Board of Directors CI
Engaged Capital erhält Unterstützung der VF-Erben, um den Eigentümer von North Face aufzurütteln RE
Computerzubehör-Hersteller Logitech erwartet geringeren Umsatzrückgang im Gesamtjahr RE
Ausblick Logitech: Q3-Umsatz von 1,24 Milliarden US-Dollar erwartet AW
Vans-Eigentümer VF Corp entlässt 500 Mitarbeiter im Zuge der Umstrukturierung RE
Logitech ernennt Hanneke Faber per 1. Dezember zur Konzernchefin AW
VF Corporation kündigt Änderungen in der Geschäftsführung an CI
Presse: Logitech-Mitgründer nennt Gegenkandidaten für Verwaltungsratspräsidium AW
Logitech erzielt überraschend viel Gewinn - Aktie macht Kurssprung AW
Logitech macht markant mehr Gewinn im zweiten Quartal 2023/24 AW
Umsatzrückgang beim Computerhersteller Logitech im zweiten Quartal RE
Ausblick Logitech: Q2-Umsatz von 975 Millionen US-Dollar erwartet AW
"Bilanz": Logitech-Mitgründer erhöht Druck auf Verwaltungsratspräsidentin AW
Logitech-Gründer fordert Ablösung von Präsidentin Becker RE
Logitech-Gründer fordert neuen Vorstandsvorsitzenden für Computerperipherie RE
Presse: Logitech-Gründer scheiterte mit Palastrevolte AW
VF Corporation ernennt Brent Hyder zum Chief People Officer CI
Logitech übertrifft im Startquartal Markterwartungen deutlich AW
Logitech übertrifft im Startquartal 23/24 Markterwartungen deutlich AW
Logitech interviewt "starke" Kandidaten für Chef-Posten AW
Logitech hebt Umsatzprognose für das erste Halbjahr 2024 an RE
Ausblick Logitech: Q1-Umsatz von 909 Millionen US-Dollar erwartet AW
Presse: Logitech soll schon seit einem Jahr auf Suche nach neuem CEO sein AW
Logitech beschliesst neues Aktienrückkaufprogramm über 1 Milliarde Dollar AW
Ex-Logitech-Chef Bracken Darrell wechselt in Kleiderbranche AW
Vans Sneaker-Hersteller VF ernennt Bracken Darrell von Logitech zum CEO RE
Vans Sneaker-Hersteller VF ernennt Bracken Darrell zum neuen CEO RE
VF Corporation kündigt Wechsel im Vorstand an CI
VF Corporation kündigt Änderungen im Management an CI
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Aktien Schweiz Schluss: SMI dank Index-Schwergewichten mit leichtem Plus AW
Wdh Aktien Schweiz: SMI nach EZB-Zinsentscheid nur wenig bewegt AW
Aktien Schweiz: SMI ohne klare Richtung vor nächstem Zinsentscheid AW
Aktien Schweiz Eröffnung: SMI vor EZB in Wartehaltung AW
Aktien Schweiz Vorbörse: SMI vor EZB kaum verändert erwartet AW
Aktien Europa Schluss: Weitere Gewinne vor Zinsentscheiden DP
LATE BRIEFING - Unternehmen und Märkte DJ
Aktien Schweiz Schluss: SMI gibt vor US-Zinsentscheid nach AW
Anleger gehen optimistisch in Fed-Entscheidung DJ
Aktien Schweiz etwas leichter - Logitech zweistellig abwärts DJ
Bracken Darrell geht: Er hauchte Logitech neues Leben ein AW
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Unternehmen (2)

Logo Brack Capital Properties N.V

Brack Capital Properties NV ist eine in den Niederlanden ansässige Immobiliengesellschaft. Das Unternehmen erwirbt und verwaltet über Beteiligungsgesellschaften Anlageimmobilien in Deutschland, hauptsächlich im Bereich der ertragsbringenden Gewerbe- und W ...

Logo Gazal Corporation Limited

Gazal Corporation Limited ist in den Bereichen Design, Herstellung, Import, Groß- und Einzelhandel von Markenbekleidung und Accessoires tätig. Das Unternehmen ist über das Segment Wholesale Group tätig, das als Bekleidungslieferant für Firmenuniformen und ...


Bracken Darrell
Bracken Darrell

Bracken P. Darrell ist ein Geschäftsmann, der bereits an der Spitze von 5 verschiedenen Unternehmen stand. Derzeit ist Herr Darrell President, Chief Executive Officer & Director bei Logitech International SA und President, Chief Executive Officer & Director bei Logitech, Inc. und President & Chief Executive Officer bei Logitech Europe SA (beides sind Tochtergesellschaften von Logitech International SA). Er ist außerdem Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats des Hendrix College und von Life Biosciences LLC. In der Vergangenheit war Bracken P. Darrell Executive VP-Europe, Middle East & Africa bei der Whirlpool Corp. und Präsident der Whirlpool Europe BV (eine Tochtergesellschaft der Whirlpool Corp.), Manager-Beauty Care Brand bei der Procter & Gamble Co. und Präsident der Braun GmbH (eine Tochtergesellschaft der Procter & Gamble Co.) sowie General Manager-Consumer Home Service bei der General Electric Co. Bracken P. Darrell erhielt einen Undergraduate-Abschluss vom Hendrix College und einen MBA von der Harvard Business School.

Foto Richard Bracken
Richard Bracken

Richard Bedford Bennett PC, KC (* 3. Juli 1870 in Hopewell, New Brunswick, Kanada; † 26. Juni 1947 in Mickleham, Surrey, Vereinigtes Königreich) war der elfte Premierminister Kanadas. Seine Amtszeit dauerte vom 7. August 1930 bis zum 23. Oktober 1935. Bennett gehörte der Konservativen Partei an.

Leben und Wirken

Jugend und Studium
miniatur|hochkant|left|Bennett als Kind
Richard Bedford Bennett wurde 1870 als ältestes der sechs Kinder von Henry John Bennett (1842–1905) und Henrietta Stiles (1844–1914) geboren. Das Paar war seit dem 22. September 1869 verheiratet und bekam vier seiner Kinder zwischen 1870 und 1876. Den Bennetts gehörte eine Schiffswerft am Hopewell Cape im Südosten New Brunswicks, die Richards Großvater Nathan Murray Bennett gegründet hatte. Henry John Bennett gelang es jedoch nicht, seine wachsende Familie mit den Einkünften aus dem Schiffbau zu ernähren, welche durch die zunehmende Konkurrenz von Dampfmaschinen und die Depression in den 1870er Jahren zurückgingen. Auch seine späteren Tätigkeiten als Händler, Schmied und Landwirt konnten nicht verhindern, dass Richard Bennett und seine Geschwister in relativer Armut aufwuchsen. Ihre Mutter war ein Mitglied der Wesleyan Methodist Church und betonte bei der Erziehung den Wert von harter Arbeit, Nächstenliebe und Genügsamkeit. Nachdem sie eine kleine Erbschaft gemacht hatte, konnte Richard Bennett mit 16 Jahren die Normal School in Fredericton besuchen. Danach arbeitete er als Lehrer in Irishtown nördlich von Moncton. 1888 erlangte er die Lizenz erster Klasse und wurde mit 18 Jahren Leiter einer Schule in Douglastown, einem Stadtteil von Miramichi. Gleichzeitig arbeitete er in seiner Freizeit für das Anwaltsbüro von Lemuel John Tweedie (1849-1917), späterer Premier der Provinz New Brunswick, in Chatham. Auf diese Weise gelang es ihm, genug Geld zu sparen, um im Herbst 1890 ein Jurastudium an der Dalhousie University in Halifax aufnehmen zu können. 1893 schloss er das Studium mit dem Bachelor of Laws ab und im Jahr darauf erhielt er eine Anwaltslizenz für New Brunswick.

Source @ Wikipedia

Foto Franklin Bracken
Franklin Bracken

Franklin R. Bracken ist Chief Operating Officer von Foot Locker, Inc. Er erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der University of Michigan, einen MBA an der Georgetown University und einen Master-Abschluss an der University of Melbourne.

Foto Charles Bracken
Charles Bracken

Derzeit ist Charles Henry Rowland Bracken Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President bei Liberty Global Plc und Chairman bei Liberty Global Ventures Holding BV, Managing Director bei UPC Germany GmbH, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President bei Liberty Global, Inc. und Co-Chief Financial Officer bei Liberty Global (Private Equity) sowie Mitglied des Management Boards bei Liberty Global Europe NV und Mitglied des Management Boards bei Liberty Global Europe Holding BV (alles Tochtergesellschaften von Liberty Global Plc). Außerdem ist er Mitglied des Vorstands von Liberty Global Europe NV und Mitglied des Vorstands von Liberty Global Europe Holding BV sowie im Vorstand von 22 weiteren Unternehmen. In seiner früheren Karriere war er Vorsitzender der Lessons for Life Foundation, Co-Chief Financial Officer bei UnitedGlobalCom, Inc. und Chief Financial Officer bei UGC Europe, Inc. sowie Chief Financial Officer & Executive VP von Liberty Global Plc LiLAC, Chief Financial Officer bei Liberty Global Europe LLC, Principal bei J.P.Morgan Clearing Corp. und Executive Director-Communications & Media bei Goldman Sachs International. Herr Bracken erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der University of Cambridge.

Foto George Bracken
George Bracken

Zurzeit bekleidet George R. Bracken die Position des Executive Vice President-Finance bei National Beverage Corp. Herr Bracken ist außerdem Mitglied des Vorstands von Everfresh Beverages, Inc. In seiner früheren Laufbahn hatte Herr Bracken die Position des Principal bei Corporate Management Advisors, Inc.

Foto Darrell Brown
Darrell Brown

Darrell Brown is currently the President & Chief Operating Officer at Ecolab, Inc. He is also the President at Nalco Co. and a Member at the American Chamber of Commerce To The European Union.
Previously, he served as a Director at Accord Australasia Ltd., a Member at the American Chamber of Commerce In Switzerland, and a Member at the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Inc. Mr. Brown holds an MBA from Macquarie University and an undergraduate degree from the University of Technology Sydney.

Foto Darrell Davis
Darrell Davis

Darrell Davis hat die Position des Executive Vice President-Operations North America bei Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc. inne und ist President, Director & Senior VP-Operations bei CST Brands, Inc. sowie Director-Operations bei Couche-Tard, Inc. und Director & Vice President bei Circle K Stores, Inc. (die alle Tochtergesellschaften von Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc. sind). Herr Davis ist außerdem Mitglied des Vorstands der Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Davis hatte zuvor die Position des Vice President-Operations bei Dairy Mart Convenience Stores, Inc. und des President & Director bei The Pantry, Inc. inne. Er erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der University of Louisville.

Foto Darrell Chambliss
Darrell Chambliss

Zurzeit bekleidet Darrell W. Chambliss die Position des Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President bei Waste Connections, Inc. In der Vergangenheit war Herr Chambliss Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President bei Waste Connections US, Inc. sowie Bereichsleiter bei USA Waste Services, Inc. und Vorsitzender der Educational Media Foundation. Herr Chambliss erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der University of Arkansas.

Foto Michael T. Bracken
Michael T. Bracken

Mr. Bracken joined Resource America in July of 2007.
Prior to joining Resource America, Mr. Bracken was employed by Sandler O'Neill & Partners L.P., an investment banking firm specializing in the financial services sector.
Most recently, Mr. Bracken worked in the firm's Balance Sheet Management Group, advising the firm's clients on M&A, capital markets, and various earnings enhancement strategies.
Prior to his time in the firm's Balance Sheet Management Group, Mr. Bracken traded Municipal, Corporate, Government and Mortgage Backed fixed income securities.
Mr. Bracken began his career in 2002 in Sandler O'Neill's Quantitative Analysis and Asset/Liability Management group.
Mr. Bracken received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bucknell University in Economics.

Foto James Bracken
James Bracken

James Bracken is currently a Director at AIG Europe Ltd.
(France), Chartis Overseas Ltd., AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte Ltd., Fortitude Life & Annuity Solutions, Inc., Fortitude P&C Solutions, Inc., and a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
He is also the Chief Financial Officer at AIG PROPERTY CASUALTY GROUP, AIG Property Casualty International LLC, and Chartis, Inc. Previously, he served as the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Fortitude Life Insurance & Annuity Co., the Chief Executive Officer, President & Director at Fortitude Reinsurance Co. Ltd., and the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Fortitude Casualty Insurance Co. Mr. Bracken obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Durham.

Foto John Bracken
John Bracken

John Bracken is the founder of Evite, Inc. which was founded in 1998.
He held the title of Chief Operating Officer from 1998 to 2000.
He is also the founder of Speek, Inc. which was founded in 2012.
He currently holds the title of Director at Speek, Inc. Additionally, Mr. Bracken is the founder of MilAdvisor, Inc. which was founded in 2017.
He currently holds the title of Chief Operating Officer at MilAdvisor, Inc.

Foto Jeff Bracken
Jeff Bracken

Jeff Bracken is currently the Vice President-Sales at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Prior to this, he worked as the Group Vice President & General Manager at Toyota Motor North America, Inc. from 2013 to 2018.

Foto Tyson Bracken
Tyson Bracken

Tyson Bracken worked as a Director of Business Development at Montfort Capital Corp..
Mr. Bracken attended the University of Ottawa where he earned an undergraduate degree.

Foto Barbara Bracken
Barbara Bracken

Barbara Bracken has worked as a Senior Fund Accountant at YFM Private Equity Ltd.
since 2009.

Foto Frank D. Bracken
Frank D. Bracken

Frank D.
is currently the Co-Chairman at the University of North Texas and the Director at Philanthropy World Magazine.
Previously, he served as the Chairman at Big Brothers Big Sisters of America from 2012 to 2014.
He was also the Vice Chairman at the University of North Texas Foundation, Inc. Additionally, he held the position of Independent Director at Ennis, Inc. from 2008 to 2020.
He served as a Director at Online Vacation Center Holdings Corp.
and was the President & Chief Operating Officer at Haggar Corp.
from 1964 to 2006.
He was also the President of Big Brothers Big Sisters Lone Star and Haggar Clothing Co. from 1994 to 2006.

Foto Cristin Bracken
Cristin Bracken

Cristin Cracraft Bracken is currently a Director at Gates Engineering & Services UK Holdings Ltd., Gates Treasury (Dollar) Co., Gates Treasury (Euro) Co., Gates Treasury (Canadian Dollar) Co., Gates Worldwide Ltd., Gates Treasury (Brazilian Real) Ltd., Gates Engineering & Services Global Ltd., Gates Industrial Holdco Ltd., and Gates UK Finance Ltd.
He also holds the position of Secretary, Chief Legal Officer & Senior VP at Gates Industrial Corp.
Bracken completed his undergraduate degree at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1989 and his graduate degree at The University of Texas School of Law in 1993.

Foto Paul Bracken
Paul Bracken

Paul Bracken is currently a Professor at Yale University.
He previously worked as an Advisory Board Member at Paladin Capital Group.

Foto Elizabeth Bracken
Elizabeth Bracken

Elizabeth Claire Bracken worked as a Credit Analyst at First Michigan Bank Corp.
from 1987 to 1997.
She then worked as the Chief Financial Officer & Vice President at Select Bank (Grand Rapids, Michigan) from 1997 to 2007.
Later, she worked as the SVP, Chief Financial & Operating Officer at Grand River Bank from 2009 to 2014 and as the Chief Financial & Accounting Officer at Grand River Commerce, Inc. from 2011 to 2014.
Bracken received an undergraduate degree from Grand Valley State University (Michigan).

Foto Joe Bracken
Joe Bracken

Joe Bracken is the founder of Tempo Asset Management Pty Ltd., which was founded in 2013.
He held the title of Principal from 2013 to 2018.
Currently, he is a Senior Investment Manager at Commonwealth Superannuation Corp.
(Investment Management) since 2018.
Previously, he worked at Pendal Group Ltd.
from 2007 to 2013 as the Head-Macro Strategies and Head of Macro Strategies.
Mr. Bracken has an MBA from London Business School and an undergraduate degree from Dublin City University.

Foto Ronan Bracken
Ronan Bracken

Ronan Bracken worked as a Principal at Nortel Networks Corp.
and Nec.
He also worked as Vice President-Professional Services at Interactive Enterprise Ltd.
Bracken received an undergraduate degree from the University of Limerick.

Foto Richard Ramsay Bracken
Richard Ramsay Bracken

Richard Ramsay Bracken is currently the Chairman at The Wawanesa Life Insurance Co., Director at Domo Gasoline Corp.
Ltd., and Director at Royal Canadian Properties Ltd.
He was formerly the Chairman at The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co.

Foto Fredric J. Bracken
Fredric J. Bracken

Fredric J.
served as an Independent Director at Tamerlane Ventures, Inc. from 2011 to 2012.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto in 1960.

Foto John P. Bracken
John P. Bracken

John P.
is currently a Director at Empire National Bank, a Director at the Library Foundation of Martin County, a Member of the New York State Bar Association, and a Member of the Suffolk County Bar Association.
Previously, he served as Vice Chairman at Empire Bancorp, Inc. (New York), a Director at Continental Bank (Plymouth Meeting), and was the Managing Partner at Bracken Margolin Besunder LLP.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from Hobart & William Smith Colleges and his graduate degree from Fordham University School of Law.

Foto Doug M. Bracken
Doug M. Bracken

Prior to joining STW in January 2009, Mr. Bracken held the position of Chief Technology Officer at Four Corners Capital Management in Los Angeles, California, where he worked for six years.
He was Director of Information Technology at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers and Vice President of Systems Development/Support at Invesco NY Asset Management.
Mr. Bracken obtained his MBA in Finance from Stern Business School, New York in 1991, and his BS in Computer Science with a Math Minor from Hofstra University, New York in 1987.

Foto Ronald L. Bracken
Ronald L. Bracken

Ronald L.
currently works at RenovoDerm LLC, as Chief Executive Officer & Director from 2019, The Georgia Tech Research Corp., as Trustee, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corp., as Trustee, Paragen Technologies LLC, as Chief Operating Officer, Atreon Orthopedics LLC, as Chief Operating Officer, Vascular Genesis LLC, as Chief Operating Officer, and Tarian Medical LLC, as Chief Operating Officer.

Foto Shannon Bracken
Shannon Bracken

Shannon Bracken is currently working as a Director at Drift.com, Inc., QuickBase, Inc., Pluralsight, Inc., Globetrotter Topco, Inc., and Cloudpipes Ltd.
Additionally, Shannon has previously worked as a Senior Vice President at Vista Equity Partners Management LLC.
Shannon's education includes an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College.

Foto Frank A. Bracken
Frank A. Bracken

Frank A.
is currently the Vice Chairman at Ball State University in Indiana and also serves as a Director at Ball State University Foundation since 1984.
He has previously worked as a Director at Ball Corp.
from 1995 to 2004 and as a Director at First Merchants Corp.
(Indiana) from 1994 to 2005.
He has also served as a Trustee at American Battlefield Trust and as a Deputy Secretary at the US Department of the Interior in District of Columbia.
Bracken completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard University and the University of Michigan.

Foto Jack Bracken
Jack Bracken

Jack Bracken currently works as a Director & Legal Counsel for the Connecticut State Golf Association.

Foto William C. Bracken
William C. Bracken

William C.
is the founder of Bracken Engineering, Inc., which was founded in 1996.
He held the title of President & Principal Engineer at the company.
He currently holds the position of Vice Chairman at the Florida Board of Professional Engineers, starting in 2014.
He is also a Member of the American Society for Testing & Materials, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the International Code Council, Inc., the Florida Engineering Society, Inc., the National Council of Examiners For Engineering & Surveying, the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, the Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc., the Structural Engineering Certification Board, the Florida Structural Engineers Association, the Florida Fire Chiefs Association, and the Florida Floodplain Managers Association.
In his former positions, he served as Secretary at The American Society of Civil Engineers, and as a Member of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. and the Louisiana Engineering Society.
Mr. Bracken received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Florida.

Foto Mike Bracken
Mike Bracken

Michael Thomas Bracken is currently a Non-Executive Director at Chetwood Financial Ltd.
He previously worked as the Chief Digital Officer at Co-operative Group Ltd.

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