Michael Miyamoto

Michael Miyamoto

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Dr. Miyamoto was involved in teaching and clinical research.
In 1998, he was an instructor for medical students in Cardiovascular Pathophysiology - Division of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He performed basic and clinical research, and published extensively in medical and scientific journals.
His major research interest is in the area of heart failure.
He is currently in group practice of cardiology in Orange County, California.
Dr. Miyamoto received his college and master degree from Stanford University, where he graduated with Distinction and Departmental Honors.
He attended medical school at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and then completed his internal medicine residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
Following that he became a clinical and research fellow in Cardiology, Heart Failure and Transplantation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
His numerous academic awards included: 1) 1987 Phi Beta Kappa, 2) 1988 Graduation with Distinction and Departmental Honors, Stanford University, 3) 1990 A.
Baird Hastings Society, U.C.
San Diego School of Medicine, 4) 1992 Outstanding Thesis Award, Second Prize, U.C.
San Diego School of Medicine, 5) 1996 Roman W.
De Sanctis Clinical Scholar Award.

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Ausbildung von Michael Miyamoto

Stanford University Graduate Degree

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