Karsten Dümmler is the founder of NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH, founded in 2004, and Netfonds AG, founded in 1999.
At Netfonds AG, he holds the title of Vice Chairman-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Dümmler's current job(s) include being the Managing Director & Supervisory Board at KD Investment & Consulting GmbH and a Member-Supervisory Board at NSI Asset AG since 2021.
In terms of education, Mr. Dümmler holds an MBA from the London School of Economics & Political Science, conferred in 1992, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Hamburg, conferred in 1990.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Karsten Dümmler
Aktive Positionen von Karsten Dümmler
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
NETFONDS AG | Gründer | 01.01.1999 |
NSI ASSET AG | Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied | 10.08.2021 |
KD Investment & Consulting GmbH
KD Investment & Consulting GmbH Financial ConglomeratesFinance KD Investment & Consulting GmbH is a company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The firm provides investment services. It was founded in 2008. Karsten Dümmler is the current CEO of the firm. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | - |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Karsten Dümmler
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH
NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH Investment ManagersFinance NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH (NFS Netfonds) is an investment management firm headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The firm was founded in 2004 and is a subsidiary of Netfonds AG (ETR: NF4). NFS Netfonds provides investment advice to private banker, asset manager and fund manager. | Gründer | - |
Ausbildung von Karsten Dümmler
University of Hamburg | Undergraduate Degree |
London School of Economics & Political Science | Masters Business Admin |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 2 |
NETFONDS AG | Finance |
NSI ASSET AG | Finance |
Private Unternehmen | 2 |
NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH
NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH Investment ManagersFinance NFS Netfonds Financial Service GmbH (NFS Netfonds) is an investment management firm headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The firm was founded in 2004 and is a subsidiary of Netfonds AG (ETR: NF4). NFS Netfonds provides investment advice to private banker, asset manager and fund manager. | Finance |
KD Investment & Consulting GmbH
KD Investment & Consulting GmbH Financial ConglomeratesFinance KD Investment & Consulting GmbH is a company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The firm provides investment services. It was founded in 2008. Karsten Dümmler is the current CEO of the firm. | Finance |