Brian Bailey

Brian Bailey

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Mr. Brian Bailey is the Director of Pensions at West Midlands Metropolitan Authorities Pension Fund.
He qualified as an Accountant with Wolverhampton City Council where he was appointed Director of Finance in 1988.
In reorganisation, he become responsible for a range of other City services.
In April 2005, he was appointed as Director for Resources and Support Services.
Since 1988, the positions have all held responsibility for the West Midlands Metropolitan Authorities Pension Fund (UK).
He has been a member of a number of national working groups on pensions and was for many years on the audit committee of two US private equity funds.
Mr Bailey gained a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering.
He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Brian Bailey

Finanzdirektor/CFO 19.07.2010
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