Invitation to Bühler's annual media conference 2016

Dear media representatives,

We have the great pleasure of inviting you to this year's media conference:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

10:30 - 12:00 (followed by drinks and snacks)

Radisson Blu Hotel, Zürich Airport, 7th floor

Welcome coffee starting at 10:00.

In addition to a review of the performance 2016, we will offer you an insight into our latest technologies and show you how they contribute to sustainable nutrition and clean mobility. After this, CEO Stefan Scheiber and CFO Andreas R. Herzog will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


- The year 2016: figures and facts

- Bühler as a provider of technologies and solutions

- Outlook for 2017

Please register by no later than Wednesday, February 1, 2017, with the link below.

Should you be coming by car, the hotel parking lot will be available to you in Parkhaus I (just next to the hotel) on the 8th building level.

Media representatives unable to attend personally have the possibility of dialing into the conference through the numbers below. Please dial in 5 minutes before the conference.

+41 58 310 50 00 (Europe)

+44 203 059 58 62 (UK)

+1 631 570 56 13 (USA)

We look forward to welcoming you personally on February 8.

Kind regards,

Burkhard Böndel

Head of Corporate Communication

Burkhard Böndel, Head of Corporate Communications, Bühler AG, 9240 Uzwil, Schweiz
Phone: +41 71 955 33 99

Mobile: +41 79 515 91 57


Tensid EQS Ltd., Switzerland

Provider/Channel related enquiries
+41 41 763 00 50