Alexis Hubert
Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH
Alexis Hubert has held positions as Co-Managing Director at CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH and Managing Director at Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Alexis Hubert
Aktive Positionen von Alexis Hubert
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH
Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of Eaton Corp. Plc, Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH is a German company that manufactures and sells lighting systems, explosion-proof lights and electrical equipment. The company is based in Soest, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Alexis Hubert, Matthias Eugen Stelzer. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | - |
CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH
CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of Eaton Corp. Plc, CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH is a German company that manufactures and sells emergency lightings. The company is based in Soest, Germany. The CEOs are Matthias Eugen Stelzer, Alexis Hubert. The company was founded in 1906. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | - |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Private Unternehmen | 2 |
Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH
Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of Eaton Corp. Plc, Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH is a German company that manufactures and sells lighting systems, explosion-proof lights and electrical equipment. The company is based in Soest, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Alexis Hubert, Matthias Eugen Stelzer. | Producer Manufacturing |
CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH
CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of Eaton Corp. Plc, CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH is a German company that manufactures and sells emergency lightings. The company is based in Soest, Germany. The CEOs are Matthias Eugen Stelzer, Alexis Hubert. The company was founded in 1906. | Producer Manufacturing |