Vincent Bastide

Vincent Bastide

Vorstandsvorsitzender bei BASTIDE LE CONFORT MÉDICAL

54 Jahre
Health Services
Health Technology


Vincent Bastide is currently the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Bastide Le Confort Medical SA. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of Medikea MP SAS, Centre de Stomathérapie, SAS Bastide Management, SAS Cica More, Sprl Dyna Medical, Bordo 2 Médical SASU, SAS Investissement Et Developpement, SAS Dom Air Aquitaine, Confortis SA, SAS Financière Bastide, SAS Medikea, Kent Topco Ltd., Kent Midco Ltd., Bastide Homecare Development Ltd., Bastide Devco Ltd., and a Member-Management Board of Société d'Investissement Bastide SA. In the past, Mr. Bastide has held positions such as Chairman of Investissement et Développement SA, SAS Foncière Et Developpement, and B2R SAS.
He has also been a Director of Syndicat National Des Prestataires De Sante A Domicile and Managing Director of Dorge Medic SA. Additionally, he has served as a Manager of various companies including SCI Bastide 1, Dom Air SARL, Sci Toulouse Harmonies, Sci Bastide Caen, Sci Bastide Dol De Bretagne, Sci Bastide Mitry Mory, Sci Bastide Orange, Sci Bastide Villabe, Sci Bastide Garons, Sci Bastide Chaponnay, Sci Bastide Toulouse, Sci Bastide Chateauroux, Sci Bastide Arles, Sci Bastide Dunkerque, Sci Bastide Clermont-Ferrand, Sci Bastide Soissons, Sci Bastide Maugiuo, Sci Bastide Rodez, Sci Bastide Valence, Sci Bastide Pissy Poville, Sci Bastide Fenouillet, Sci Bastide Montpellier Garosud, Sci Bastide Limonest, Sci Bastide Saintfons, Sci Bastide Metz, Sci Bastide Pissy Poville II, Sci Bastide Angers, Sci Ars Sur Moselle, Sci Bastide Caissargues, Sci Bastide Dijon, Sci Bastide La Farlede, Sci Bastide Les Portes De Camargues, Sci Bastide Saint Contest, Sci Bastide Saint Cyr Sur Loire, Sci Bastide Tours, Ae Corp.
Sarl, and B Finance & Participations SAS.

Aktive Positionen von Vincent Bastide

BASTIDE LE CONFORT MÉDICAL Vorstandsvorsitzender 08.07.2021
SARL Tara Sante Corporate Officer/Principal -
Sprl Dyna Medical Vorsitzender -
Vorsitzender 21.12.2016
Vorsitzender -
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 12.01.2018
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 12.01.2018
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 30.09.2016
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 30.10.2017
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Alle aktiven Positionen von Vincent Bastide

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Vincent Bastide

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Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Vincent Bastide im Detail an

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Vincent Bastide im Detail an



Beziehungen ersten Grades


Unternehmen ersten Grades





Sehen Sie sich das persönliche Netzwerk an


Börsennotierte Unternehmen1

Health Services

Private Unternehmen60
Sci Bastide Rodez


SCI Bastide 1

Health Technology

Centre de Stomathérapie

Sci Bastide Villabe

Sci Bastide Orange

Sci Bastide Caen

Sci Toulouse Harmonies

Sci Bastide Chaponnay

Sci Bastide Chateauroux

Sci Bastide Dunkerque

SAS Financière Bastide

Confortis SA

Sci Bastide Valence

SCI Bastide Dol De Bretagne

Sci Bastide Mitry Mory

Sci Bastide Garons

Sci Bastide Toulouse

Sci Bastide Arles

Sci Bastide Clermont-Ferrand

Sci Bastide Maugiuo

SAS Bastide Management

Sci Bastide Pissy Poville

Sci Bastide Fenouillet

Sci Bastide Montpellier Garosud


Sci Bastide Soissons

SAS Medikea

Sci Ars Sur Moselle

Sci Bastide Caissargues

Sprl Dyna Medical

Health Services




Commercial Services


Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

Sci Bastide Angers

SARL Tara Sante

SAS Cica More

Sci Bastide Dijon

Sci Bastide La Farlede

Sci Bastide Les Portes De Camargues

Sci Bastide Saint Contest

Sci Bastide Saint Cyr Sur Loire

Sci Bastide Tours

SAS Foncière Et Developpement

Health Services

Distribution Services

Health Technology

Distribution Services

SAS Dom Air Aquitaine

Ae Corp. Sarl

B Finance & Participations SAS

Sehen Sie sich die Unternehmensverbindungen an
  1. Börse
  2. Insiders
  3. Vincent Bastide