
Foto Leopoldo Alvear Trenor
Leopoldo Alvear Trenor

Leopoldo Alvear Trenor is currently a Non-Executive Director at TSB Banking Group Plc and also holds a position at Banco de Sabadell SA. Previously, he worked as a Director at Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañia de Seguros y Reaseguros SA and as a Chief Financial Officer at Bankia SA.

Foto Mark Trenor
Mark Trenor

Mark Trenor has been President of Raytheon Solipsys Corp.
since September 2004.
He was Director of Business Development for Solipsys.
He joined Solipsys in 2003.
He was Director of Naval Command and Control Programs for Lockheed Martin Naval Electronic and Surveillance Systems.
He received an undergraduate degree from the United States Naval Academy.

Foto Trenor Williams
Trenor Williams

Trenor Williams was the founder of Clinovations LLC (founded in 2007) where he held the title of Chief Executive Officer and Socially Determined, Inc. (founded in 2017) where he previously held the title of Chief Executive Officer & Director.
He is currently the Director at Community Wealth Partners, Inc., American Medical Informatics Association, and DC Greens.
Dr. Williams holds a doctorate degree from Marshall University and an undergraduate degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.

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