James R. Mortensen
Keine laufenden Positionen mehr
James R.
Mortensen served as President & CEO at Ste.
Michelle Wine Estates Ltd.
He was also Managing Director at Philip Morris México SA de CV and Philip Morris Ecuador S.A.
Mortensen was Senior Vice President-Sales & Distribution at Miller Brewing Co. and Senior Vice President-Human Resources at Philip Morris International, Inc. He also served as President at Philip Morris Japan GK.
Mortensen holds an undergraduate degree and an MBA from The State University of New York.
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von James R. Mortensen
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
PHILIP MORRIS INTERNATIONAL, INC. | Personalreferent | 01.01.2017 |
Philip Morris México SA de CV
Philip Morris México SA de CV TobaccoConsumer Non-Durables Part of Philip Morris International, Inc., Philip Morris México SA de CV is a company based in Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico that manufactures cigarettes and other tobacco products. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01.03.2010 |
Philip Morris Ecuador S.A | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01.03.2010 |
Philip Morris Japan GK
Philip Morris Japan GK TobaccoConsumer Non-Durables Part of Philip Morris International, Inc., Philip Morris Japan GK is a Japanese company that is focused on developing smoke-free products that are a better alternative to traditional cigarettes. The company's vision is to eventually replace cigarettes with these products. The company is also involved in renovating smoking areas in ski resorts to be exclusively for heated tobacco products, as part of their commitment to promoting smoke-free alternatives. | Präsident | 01.01.2008 |
Miller Brewing Co.
Miller Brewing Co. Beverages: AlcoholicConsumer Non-Durables Miller Brewing Co. manufactures beer and fermented malt liquors. The company's principal beer brands are Miller Lite, Miller Genuine Draft and Miller High Life. It imports Pilsner, Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Foster's and has craft brews Leinenkugel's and Henry Weinhard's. The company was founded by Frederick J. Miller in 1855 and is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI | Vertrieb & Marketing | 01.01.2002 |
Ausbildung von James R. Mortensen
The State University of New York | Masters Business Admin |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 1 |
Private Unternehmen | 5 |
Miller Brewing Co.
Miller Brewing Co. Beverages: AlcoholicConsumer Non-Durables Miller Brewing Co. manufactures beer and fermented malt liquors. The company's principal beer brands are Miller Lite, Miller Genuine Draft and Miller High Life. It imports Pilsner, Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Foster's and has craft brews Leinenkugel's and Henry Weinhard's. The company was founded by Frederick J. Miller in 1855 and is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI | Consumer Non-Durables |
Philip Morris Japan GK
Philip Morris Japan GK TobaccoConsumer Non-Durables Part of Philip Morris International, Inc., Philip Morris Japan GK is a Japanese company that is focused on developing smoke-free products that are a better alternative to traditional cigarettes. The company's vision is to eventually replace cigarettes with these products. The company is also involved in renovating smoking areas in ski resorts to be exclusively for heated tobacco products, as part of their commitment to promoting smoke-free alternatives. | Consumer Non-Durables |
Philip Morris México SA de CV
Philip Morris México SA de CV TobaccoConsumer Non-Durables Part of Philip Morris International, Inc., Philip Morris México SA de CV is a company based in Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico that manufactures cigarettes and other tobacco products. | Consumer Non-Durables |
Philip Morris Ecuador S.A | |
Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Ltd.
Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Ltd. Beverages: AlcoholicConsumer Non-Durables Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Ltd. produces and markets a portfolio of wines from acclaimed vineyards. The company was founded in 1934 and is headquartered in Woodinville, WA. | Consumer Non-Durables |