Dean S. Mathison
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor bei Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc.
Dean S.
Mathison is currently the Chief Accounting Officer & Controller at Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. He previously worked as a Senior Manager at Arthur Andersen LLP and as the Chief Accounting Officer & Controller at Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. from 2014 to 2018.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Dean S. Mathison
Aktive Positionen von Dean S. Mathison
Unternehmen | Position | Beginn |
Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc.
Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. operates as holding company with interest in providing futures exchanges over-the counter markets and derivatives clearing houses and post-trade services. The company was founded by Jeffrey C. Sprecher in May 2000 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. | Comptroller/Controller/Auditor | - |
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Dean S. Mathison
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE, INC. | Comptroller/Controller/Auditor | 08.02.2018 |
Arthur Andersen LLP
Arthur Andersen LLP Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Arthur Andersen LLP used to provide accounting services. It was also into consulting services for clients that operate businesses throughout the United States and around the world. Arthur Andersen was founded in 1913 and was headquartered in Chicago, IL. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Ausbildung von Dean S. Mathison
University of Georgia | Undergraduate Degree |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Börsennotierte Unternehmen | 1 |
Private Unternehmen | 2 |
Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc.
Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. operates as holding company with interest in providing futures exchanges over-the counter markets and derivatives clearing houses and post-trade services. The company was founded by Jeffrey C. Sprecher in May 2000 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. | Finance |
Arthur Andersen LLP
Arthur Andersen LLP Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Arthur Andersen LLP used to provide accounting services. It was also into consulting services for clients that operate businesses throughout the United States and around the world. Arthur Andersen was founded in 1913 and was headquartered in Chicago, IL. | Commercial Services |