Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied bei SONAECOM, SGPS, S.A.

Commercial Services
Technology Services
Consumer Services


Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais is currently the Chairman at Bright Ventures Scr SA, the Executive Director at Sonaecom SGPS SA, the Director at InovRetail Lda., the Director at S21sec Portugal - Cybersecurity Services SA, the Director at Bright Development Studio SA, the Secretary at Sociedade Independente de Radiodifusao Sonora SA, the Secretary at Público - Comunicação Social SA, the Secretary at Público Comunicação e Jornalismo S.A., the Secretary at Sonae MC - Serviços Partilhados SA, and the Secretary at Sonaecom Cyber Security & Intelligence SGPS SA. Previously, she worked as the Director at Digitmarket-Sistemas de Informação SA, the Controller at NOS Comunicações SA, the Auditor at Arthur Andersen Portugal, and the Auditor at Deloitte & Associados SROC SA. She also served as the Secretary at Digitmarket-Sistemas de Informação SA, Bright Development Studio SA, and Sonae Im-Software & Technology Sgps SA. Ms. de Araújo Freitas Novais obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Porto in 2000.

Aktive Positionen von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

SONAECOM, SGPS, S.A. Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 29.04.2020
Público Comunicação e Jornalismo S.A. Unternehmenssekretär 01.01.2019
Unternehmenssekretär 01.01.2019
Sonaecom Cyber Security & Intelligence SGPS SA Unternehmenssekretär 01.01.2019
Unternehmenssekretär 01.01.2019
S21sec Portugal - Cybersecurity Services SA Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 01.01.2018
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 01.01.2018
Bright Development Studio SA Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 01.01.2019
Bright Ventures Scr SA Vorsitzender 01.01.2020
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Alle aktiven Positionen von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

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Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais im Detail an

Ausbildung von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais

University of Porto Undergraduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais im Detail an



Beziehungen ersten Grades


Unternehmen ersten Grades





Sehen Sie sich das persönliche Netzwerk an


Börsennotierte Unternehmen1

Technology Services

Private Unternehmen14
Bright Ventures Scr SA

Commercial Services

Commercial Services


Bright Development Studio SA

Commercial Services

Sonae Im-Software & Technology Sgps SA

Technology Services

S21sec Portugal - Cybersecurity Services SA

Technology Services

Commercial Services

Sonaecom Cyber Security & Intelligence SGPS SA

Consumer Services

Público Comunicação e Jornalismo S.A.

Consumer Services

Sehen Sie sich die Unternehmensverbindungen an
  1. Börse
  2. Insiders
  3. Cristina Maria de Araújo Freitas Novais