Anders Oscarsson formerly worked at AMF Fonder AB, as Chief Executive Officer from 2011 to 2013, SEB Investment Management AB, as Managing Director, AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management), as Head of Equities from 2009 to 2011, and AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management), as Head of Equities from 2013 to 2021.
Aktuelle Nachrichten zu Anders Oscarsson
Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Anders Oscarsson
Unternehmen | Position | Ende |
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management)
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) (AMF-IM) is the pension fund management arm of AMF Tjänstepension AB, which is jointly owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SAF), locally known as Svenskt Näringsliv. The firm was founded in 1973 and formerly known as AMF Pensionsförsäkring AB. Headquartered in Stockholm, AMF-IM provides occupational pension schemes to corporate clients and private individuals. | Head-Equity Investments | 01.09.2021 |
AMF Fonder AB
AMF Fonder AB Investment ManagersFinance AMF Fonder AB is the wholly-owned, Swedish fund management subsidiary of AMF Tjänstepension AB, jointly-owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Confederation of Swedish Employers (SAF). The firm is headquartered in Stockholm and was founded in 1997. AMF Fonder manages the AMF Funds for corporate clients and private individuals. They are a responsible investor which aims to promote positive corporate governance and sustainable environmental practices. | Vorstandsvorsitzender | 30.11.2013 |
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management)
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) (AMF-IM) is the pension fund management arm of AMF Tjänstepension AB, which is jointly owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SAF), locally known as Svenskt Näringsliv. The firm was founded in 1973 and formerly known as AMF Pensionsförsäkring AB. Headquartered in Stockholm, AMF-IM provides occupational pension schemes to corporate clients and private individuals. | Head-Equity Investments | 01.05.2011 |
SEB Investment Management AB
SEB Investment Management AB Investment ManagersFinance SEB Investment Management AB (SEB IM) is an investment management firm headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. The firm was founded in 1978 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A, ADR: SKVKY). SEB-IM offers a broad range of funds and tailored portfolios for institutional investors as well as retail and private banking clients. | Präsident | 01.05.2009 |
Besetzte Positionen
Börsennotierte Unternehmen
Private Unternehmen
Beziehungen ersten Grades
Unternehmen ersten Grades
Private Unternehmen | 3 |
SEB Investment Management AB
SEB Investment Management AB Investment ManagersFinance SEB Investment Management AB (SEB IM) is an investment management firm headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. The firm was founded in 1978 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A, ADR: SKVKY). SEB-IM offers a broad range of funds and tailored portfolios for institutional investors as well as retail and private banking clients. | Finance |
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management)
AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance AMF Tjänstepension AB (Investment Management) (AMF-IM) is the pension fund management arm of AMF Tjänstepension AB, which is jointly owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SAF), locally known as Svenskt Näringsliv. The firm was founded in 1973 and formerly known as AMF Pensionsförsäkring AB. Headquartered in Stockholm, AMF-IM provides occupational pension schemes to corporate clients and private individuals. | Finance |
AMF Fonder AB
AMF Fonder AB Investment ManagersFinance AMF Fonder AB is the wholly-owned, Swedish fund management subsidiary of AMF Tjänstepension AB, jointly-owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Confederation of Swedish Employers (SAF). The firm is headquartered in Stockholm and was founded in 1997. AMF Fonder manages the AMF Funds for corporate clients and private individuals. They are a responsible investor which aims to promote positive corporate governance and sustainable environmental practices. | Finance |